Top 3 resolutions to take in 2023

A new year is about to start. It's time to take oath of making yourself better than yesterday you were. 

Here I have list some of the best resolutions you should work on 2023.

1. Reading book

One single habit have been mentioned by all of the famous entrepreneurs and influencers is reading books. 
It is the best quality one can have. A book is better than 100 of your friends. 
From the very first day of 2023 you have to start reading books and be habitual of it.

2. Doing meditation and exercise

It should not be the issue but unfortunately today human need to be told that they should focus on their health. 
Now a days we really need to work on our mental and physical health both. It doesn't take much time. It takes just 40 to 60 minutes daily to work on both your mental and physical health. 
If you practice it daily. You will feel more energetic. 

3. Develop atleast one skill in every month

(  1s/1m ) Rule

Today's world is rapidly growing with new technology and we need to go through it if we want to survive and walk parllaly.

It could be any technical or non technical skill.
Make a list of 12 to 20 top priority list and learn one skill every month accordingly.
We call it (1s/1m) rule. ( One skill per month )

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