Top 5 programming languages you should learn in 2021

Top 5 programming languages you should learn in 2021

By Shubham Dwivedi

If you are in the field of software development ,you have to choose which language is best to begin.

So now we are going to show you the top 10 programming languages to learn in 2021.

There are hundreds of programming languages in use with its own complexity. Here is the top 5 programming languages to learn in 2021--


According to Stack Overflow's 2019 Developer Survey, JavaScript is the most popular language among developers for the seventh year in a row.
Along with HTML and CSS , JavaScript is essential to front-end web development.

Because JavaScript has a forgiving ,flexible syntax and works across all major browsers, it is
one of the friendliest programming languages for beginners. It is both server side and client side. It is server side through Node.js.
 The approximate salary for someone in this role is $72,50


 This game is made through JavaScript


Python continues to be one of the best programming languages every developer should learn next year. Python can be used for web and desktop application ,GUI based desktop application ,machine learning ,data science and network servers.

The python language enjoys immense community support and offers several open-source libraries ,frameworks and module that make application development a cakewalk. It can help you get a job or a freelance project quickly.
Annual salary Projection :- $92,000

                             E-commerce website through Django ,framework of python


Java is one of the most popular programming languages used for developing server-side applications . It is easier to learn Java in comparison to languages as C and C++.

No wonder ,nearly 90% of Fortune 500 firms rely on java for their desktop applications and backend development projects.
Java is incredibly stable and not heading for retirement anytime soon .This makes Java one of the most desirable language among programmer in 2021.  

Annual salary Projection :- $94,000


In March 2017 ,Swift made it to the top 10 in the monthly TIOBE Index ranking of popular programming languages . Apple developed swift in 2014 for Linux and Mac applications . 

Swift supports almost everything from programming language Objective -C.
It takes less coding compared to other  programming languages. Swift developers earn
around $92,000 per year. 


It is one of the most powerful programming languages for the .NET is more like C++ then Java.
It is best suited for applications on Windows ,Android ,and iOS as it takes the help of the integrated development environment product, Microsoft Visual C++.
C# is used in the backend of several popular websites like Bing ,Dell ,Visual Studio and Market Watch .
C# developers earn around $91,000 per year..


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