Secrets of World : Part-1

1-Northern lights of Norway-One of nature's most spectacular wonders

The Aurora Borealis /Northern lights are solar winds that meet the atmosphere in a zone around the magnetic North pole, forming arches ,waves and curls of light moving across the sky, with sudden rays of  light shooting down from space.

The northern lights are visible between September /October and march

Northern Lights can be seen in the northern or southern hemisphere, in an irregularly shaped oval centred over each magnetic pole. The lights are known as 'Aurora borealis' in the north and 'Aurora australis' in the south. Scientists have learned that in most instances northern and southern auroras are mirror-like images that occur at the same time, with similar shapes and colors.

The best place to see the Northern lights are in the northern parts of Norway . The Arctic cities Tromso and Kirkens are located in the middle of the  Northern Lights zone ,where the Northern lights  appear with a maximum of frequency.

2- Lakes ,Which Is Actually Craters Made By Asteroids:-

Lonar Meteorite Crater, Kaali  Meteorite Crater, Lake Acraman Lake Dellen are the examples of lakes which is actually a crater made by Asteroids .

In the rare case that an impact crater is preserved, water can fill the depression, creating a lake. When the lake is connected to the region’s water system, it is almost indistinguishable from any other lake, except to geologists who study the composition of the rocks, searching for ‘impactite‘, a type of melted rock that forms in a meteorite strike. In other cases, when the water that has collected is unconnected, impact crater lakes can provide a valuable geologic and fossil record by preserving ancient sediment.

     Pingualuit Impact Crater, Quebec, Canada

 Lonar Meteorite Crater ,India

3-Rainbow River Of Colombia:

The Caño Cristales river in La Macarena, Colombia is dubbed the “River of Five Colors” and “Liquid Rainbow” because of the many colors you can see below the clear waters. Bright greens, yellows, reds, and purples appear to be flowing down the river depending on the light and water conditions, according to Insider.


Besides being beautiful, the plant is also very sensitive to its environmental conditions. The best time to go is when the weather is bright and sunny, so light can reflect the colors. The waters must be high enough for the plants to thrive, but not so high that you can’t see the river bottom, otherwise they’ll die and turn brown, according to the travel website, Rove.

Generally, the colors are at their peak vibrancy between July and November. According to Atlas Obscura, to get to the river, travelers must first fly into Villavicencio, in central Colombia, then charter another plane to La Macarena. There, travelers can find a guide to take them to Serrania de la Macarena, the fairly isolated mountain range where you can access the river.

4-Upside-Down or Reverse Waterfall:-

Monsoon is one of the best seasons to visit Maharashtra in India if you love hiking and not bothered by the downpour. The torrential monsoon rains turn the brown Sahyadri (Western Ghat) hills into lush green and slopes are dotted with innumerable waterfalls. Apart from the thrill of trekking, sometimes through gushing waterfalls, catching sight of a reverse or upside down waterfall can be a bonus.


There are some popular ones within easy driving distance from Mumbai and Pune. One of the most popular reverse waterfalls can be seen at Naneghat, a historic mountain pass trade route connecting the Deccan Plateau with the Konkan coast. The reverse waterfalls lies off the Malshej Ghat Road. It is around three hours from Mumbai.

Samrad village (about four hours’ drive from Mumbai) in the Sandhan Valley is also known for its reverse waterfalls perched at 2,000 feet. Although trekking in the region may not be allowed during heavy monsoon, you may hire a guide from the village to take you to the waterfall.

The hills of Amboli (accessible from Sawantwadi and Belgaum) are dotted with waterfalls during monsoon, among which the Kavalshet Point is best to catch a string of upside down waterfalls ranged along the rim. There is a paved path along the rim and a railing too. But the place can be very slippery owing to the water flowing upwards over a long distance.

5-Flaoting Islands  of world:-

floating island is a mass of floating aquatic plants, mud, and peat ranging in thickness from several centimeters to a few meters. Floating islands are a common natural phenomenon that are found in many parts of the world. They exist less commonly as an artificial phenomenon. Floating islands are generally found on marshlandslakes, and similar wetland locations, and can be many hectares in size.

         Uros island in Lake Titicaca

 Natural floating island on small lake in Finnish Lakeland

Sometimes referred to as tussocksfloatons, or suds, natural floating islands are composed of vegetation growing on a buoyant mat of plant roots or other organic detritus. Some cenotes in northern Mexico have natural floating islands.

They typically occur when growths of cattailsbulrushsedge, and reeds extend outward from the shoreline of a wetland area. As the water gets deeper the roots no longer reach the bottom, so they use the oxygen in their root mass for buoyancy, and the surrounding vegetation for support to retain their top-side-up orientation. The area beneath these floating mats is exceptionally rich in aquatic lifeforms. Eventually, storm events tear whole sections free from the shore, and the islands thus formed migrate around a lake with changing winds, eventually either reattaching to a new area of the shore or breaking up in heavy weather.

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